The meaning behind “Juniper”
Our philosophy.
The juniper tree's name is derived from the Latin word juniperus. In Latin, juniperus is combination of the word junio, which means young, and parere, to produce, hence youth producing, or evergreen.
This dense, resilient evergreen shrub can be found thriving in almost every corner of our earth. It is noted as being steadfast and able to withstand the harshest of environments. In many ancient cultures, the juniper is among one of the most revered trees for its believed medicinal properties.
As we weather this life we all face challenges; that is one of the many things that make this human experience so beautiful, and through times of adversity we often find ourselves changing emotionally, spiritually, even physically.
Just like the juniper tree though, we make it through, and we keep moving forward. It is our mission here at Juniper to be a partner in this journey, and help your inner youth shine outward for the world to see. We do this through the use of innovative aesthetic treatments to help you radiate your youth to the world, to feel rejuvenated, and to shine forth your emanating inner beauty.
Because we do truly believe that it is what’s on the inside that matters, and we are simply here to help you bring your inner beauty to the surface for the world to see.